Titles Have <h1> Tags

Subsection titles have <h2> tags.

The “h” stands for “heading”, and a bigger number after the “h” means a smaller heading.

They go up to <h6>! But you probably will only need h1 and h2.

All of the heading tags divide text onto separate lines with gaps between them, similar to <p> tags. There are also tags that continue the flow of the text on the current line. For example, there’s <b> for bold, <i> for italics, <u> for underlined, <s> for strikethrough, and <code> for a monospace font like in the source editor.

You should take a look at how the tags are used in the script, but you don’t have to memorize every one of these tags. Feel free to refer to this tutorial or other online resources whenever you want to refresh your memory.

The important thing to understand is how the opening tag at the beginning of each section matches the closing tag at the end. Also notice how the paragraph tags can have smaller sections inside of them with different tags.

For practice, pick one of the words in this paragraph and try making it bold. Don’t forget the slash in the closing tag! Can you underline an entire sentence?

The tags will get more complicated on the next → page, so make sure you practice matching the opening tags with the corresponding closing tags before moving on!